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Hebrews 11 Chapter Summary

This post will be a very high level summary of Hebrews 11.  I plan to go through each hero of faith individually, but those will not be consecutive posts.

(vs. 1) Definition of faith 

  • In the same way that our eyesight gives us evidence of the world around us, faith is the ‘sense’ that gives us evidence of the spiritual 

  • Faith is needed for what we can’t see or touch

  • Faith is not a blind belief, but a willingness to trust in, rely on, and cling to

(vs. 2) Faith enabled people in the past to overcome

  • The audience is being reminded that the Jewish forefathers had different circumstances and personalities, but they all shared one thing in common - faith 

(vs. 3) Faith gives us an understanding of an ‘invisible’ world

  • Genesis 1:3 - God created out of nothing just His Word

  • None of us were present during creation.  But, by faith, we know that God created the world

(vs. 4) Abel - Genesis 4:1-12

  • Faith is not necessarily rewarded on earth.  God is testifying there about the righteousness and faith of Abel. “His blood”

(vs. 5,6) Enoch - Genesis 5:21-24

  • Only a man of faith can have close communion with God 

  • We must believe that God is there, and that He will reveal Himself to the seeking heart 

(vs. 7) Noah - Genesis 6:11-22

  • 2 parts of faith: belief and action

  • Conduct yourself with godliness to condemn the world

(vs. 8-12) Abraham and Sarah

  • (vs. 8) Genesis 12:1-5 - Abraham stepped out in faith 

  • (vs. 9,10) Sojourner - someone who lives somewhere, but doesn’t have a permanent status there

  • (vs. 11,12) Genesis 18:9-15; 21:6

    • We must realize that God is faithful and able to keep His promises.  God provides the strength, but Sarah had to receive it by faith 

  • (vs. 13-16) Heavenly hope

    • The promise of the Messiah was made to Abraham and Sarah, but they died without seeing it

    • Walking in faith is easier when we understand that this is NOT our home

    • We should not behave in a way that makes God ashamed to be called our God

(vs. 17-22) Faith of the Patriarchs

  • (vs. 17-19) When Abraham was faced with a promise and a command from God that seemed to contradict each other, he obeyed the command and let God take care of the promise.

  • (vs. 20) Isaac - Genesis 27:33

  • (vs. 21) Jacob

  • (vs. 22) Joseph - Genesis 50:24

(vs. 23-29) Moses

  • (vs. 23) Faith of Moses’ parents

  • (vs. 24-26) Moses chose to suffer to follow the will of God rather than to have the riches of Egypt

  • (vs. 27) God > Pharoah

  • (vs. 28) Moses had faith to believe that the blood would save them from the Angel of Death 

    • Lead the nation to observe Passover

  • (vs. 29) courage vs. faith 

(vs. 30-38) By faith they overcame 

  • (vs. 30) People of Israel at the wall of Jericho - Joshua 6:1-5

    • Daring faith 

    • Obedient faith

    • Patient faith

    • Anticipating faith

  • (vs. 31) Rahab - Joshua 2:8-14

    • Her faith may not have been strong or perfect, but it was commendable 

  • (vs. 32) Other Heroes: Gideon (Judges 6-7), Barak (Judges 4), Samson (Judges 13-16), Jephthah (Judges 11), David (1 Samuel 17:1-11), Samuel 

  • (vs. 33-38) Victories through faith

    • Subdued kingdoms

    • Worked righteousness

    • Obtained promises

    • Stopped the mouths of lions

    • Quenched the violence of fire

    • Escaped the edge of the sword

    • Out of weakness were made strong

    • Became valiant in battle

    • Women who received their dead raised to life again 

    • Trial of mockings

    • Chains & imprisonment

    • Stoned

    • Sawn in two

    • Slain by sword

    • Wandered about in sheepskin and goatskin

    • In dens and caves of the earth

(vs. 39-40) These are all people with good testimonies of faith, but did not receive the promise of the completed work of the Messiah