Thoughts on Christ

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John 15:13 & Romans 5:8

What greater love is there than a man who would lay down his life for his friend? But would you lay down your life for a stranger or for someone you know who has hurt or rejected you? The answer is a resounding no, but Christ did exactly that.

He willingly came down from heaven to die on a cross for the sins of His children. Even facing the full wrath and rejection of the Father on our behalf. He didn’t have to. He could have destroyed us and created new beings that would trust and obey Him. But He decided to save us. He knew what He was doing. He made that choice knowing exactly what would happen to Him, both the physical agony and the even more excruciating separation from God the Father.

Christ didn’t wait for us to become blameless and righteous before He saved us. He took our place while we were yet sinners. He took our sin, shame, and guilt on Himself so that the righteousness of the Father would punish Him and leave us unscathed.

That is greater than any love that mankind can even imagine, let alone do. Let us remember what Christ has done for each one of us.

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