Thoughts on Christ

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Sermon Summary - Biblical Manhood


Sermon By: Voddie Baucham



  • Genesis 2 - creation of man and woman

  • (vs. 15-25) before the fall, look at man in his pristine form

  • Worldly definition of manhood:

  • 3 B’s: ballfield, bedroom, billfold

  • If you look at this in a man, you will be disillusioned 

[1] Committed to God-honoring labor

  • No lazy men

  • Dating is a problem → they are getting emotional before they evaluate 

  • (vs. 15) There was work before the fall.  Work isn’t a product of the fall.  Our attitude towards work is a product of the fall.

  • (Genesis 3: 17-19) toil, labor, and hardship of work is a product of the fall 

  • (Proverbs 6:6-8) the ant just does its work without being told to

  • (Proverbs 26:13) laziness will make you a coward 

  • (Proverbs 6:9-11, 26:14-16) those who are lazy don’t like to wake up in the morning

    • If you’re lazy, you’re committed to your own destruction 

    • Always an excuse for laziness 

  • (2 Thessalonians 3:6) the apostles taught the churches about laziness

    • (vs. 7-9) the apostles had a right to say that the people needed to take care of them, but they decided to show the church a Biblical work ethic 

    • (vs. 10-12) If a man doesn’t work, he doesn’t eat.  Don’t feed a man who does not work, you will encourage his laziness. 

  • (1 Timothy 5:8) God-honoring labor is a necessity.  Anything your hands find to do, do it for the glory and honor of God 

[2] Committed to God’s law 

  • (Genesis 2:16,17) before the fall of man, the law of God existed

    • Must know the law of God

    • Basics: 10 commandments

    • Communicate the law of God to the wife

  • (Genesis 3:1-3) That’s not what God said.  She wasn’t properly discipled. 

  • (Romans 5:19) Fall came by the sin of Adam.  There was already a headship.

  • (1 Corinthians 11:8) Man was created first.  Adam had dominion over all the creatures and named them, as well as Eve.  All before the fall.

  • (Ephesians 5:25,26) Washing his wife with the water of the word

  • (Ephesians 6:1-4) Man disciples his wife and children, so he must know the law of God

[3] Committed to the priority of marriage and the family 

  • (Genesis 2:18) The pattern of creation for 6 days was: 

    • Let there be -- then there was -- it was good 

    • The first time something is considered not good is when a man is without a woman

  • (Matthew 19, 1 Corinthians 7) Specifics for singleness

    • Eunuchs for the kingdom

    • Those with a special calling and gifting from God not to take a wife

    • The preferred position is married

  • Jesus, our model of perfect manhood, is engaged to the church.

    • In your youth, protect your purity

    • Have a woman to build a dynasty with 

    • The wisest man, the strongest man, and the godliest man all fell into sexual sin

      • “I am not wiser than Solomon, godlier than David, or stronger than Samson.  So, I need to get married.”

  • (Genesis 2:24) Ephesians 6:1-3 -- the first commandment with a promise

    • 5th commandment - Honor your father and mother 

    • Only in marriage should you leave your father and mother, and be joined with your wife


  • Is he obedient and respectful?

  • Does he honor his father and mother?

  • Is he committed to children?