Sermon Summary - Biblical Manhood
Samantha Samuel
Sermon By: Voddie Baucham
Genesis 2 - creation of man and woman
(vs. 15-25) before the fall, look at man in his pristine form
Worldly definition of manhood:
3 B’s: ballfield, bedroom, billfold
If you look at this in a man, you will be disillusioned
[1] Committed to God-honoring labor
No lazy men
Dating is a problem → they are getting emotional before they evaluate
(vs. 15) There was work before the fall. Work isn’t a product of the fall. Our attitude towards work is a product of the fall.
(Genesis 3: 17-19) toil, labor, and hardship of work is a product of the fall
(Proverbs 6:6-8) the ant just does its work without being told to
(Proverbs 26:13) laziness will make you a coward
(Proverbs 6:9-11, 26:14-16) those who are lazy don’t like to wake up in the morning
If you’re lazy, you’re committed to your own destruction
Always an excuse for laziness
(2 Thessalonians 3:6) the apostles taught the churches about laziness
(vs. 7-9) the apostles had a right to say that the people needed to take care of them, but they decided to show the church a Biblical work ethic
(vs. 10-12) If a man doesn’t work, he doesn’t eat. Don’t feed a man who does not work, you will encourage his laziness.
(1 Timothy 5:8) God-honoring labor is a necessity. Anything your hands find to do, do it for the glory and honor of God
[2] Committed to God’s law
(Genesis 2:16,17) before the fall of man, the law of God existed
Must know the law of God
Basics: 10 commandments
Communicate the law of God to the wife
(Genesis 3:1-3) That’s not what God said. She wasn’t properly discipled.
(Romans 5:19) Fall came by the sin of Adam. There was already a headship.
(1 Corinthians 11:8) Man was created first. Adam had dominion over all the creatures and named them, as well as Eve. All before the fall.
(Ephesians 5:25,26) Washing his wife with the water of the word
(Ephesians 6:1-4) Man disciples his wife and children, so he must know the law of God
[3] Committed to the priority of marriage and the family
(Genesis 2:18) The pattern of creation for 6 days was:
Let there be -- then there was -- it was good
The first time something is considered not good is when a man is without a woman
(Matthew 19, 1 Corinthians 7) Specifics for singleness
Eunuchs for the kingdom
Those with a special calling and gifting from God not to take a wife
The preferred position is married
Jesus, our model of perfect manhood, is engaged to the church.
In your youth, protect your purity
Have a woman to build a dynasty with
The wisest man, the strongest man, and the godliest man all fell into sexual sin
“I am not wiser than Solomon, godlier than David, or stronger than Samson. So, I need to get married.”
(Genesis 2:24) Ephesians 6:1-3 -- the first commandment with a promise
5th commandment - Honor your father and mother
Only in marriage should you leave your father and mother, and be joined with your wife
Is he obedient and respectful?
Does he honor his father and mother?
Is he committed to children?