Who is a True Christian?

Who is a True Christian?

This post focuses on the points of what makes a true Christian.  This is taken from the book ‘Reflections of a Discerning Christian’ by Nelson Thomas.  

  1. A true Christian is one who trusts Christ to be their Savior and Lord and continues to live by faith.

  2. A true Christian is one who has surrendered themselves to Christ as their Master to follow Him.

  3. A true Christian is a saint who lives a separated as well as holy life.

  4. A true Christian is one who has been born into the family of God and thus enjoys brotherly love and fellowship one with another.

  5. A true Christian is one who expresses their allegiance to Christ through their words and deeds.

  6. A true Christian is one who shares their faith so that others may know and follow Christ.

  7. A true Christian is one who gladly suffers in the name of Christ and is never ashamed of it.

If one claims to be a Christian yet fails to notice these traits in their life, they need to examine their faith and the present state of their heart before the Lord.  The only way to do is to search the pages of the New Testament and follow what God says irrespective of what we think or what tradition says.  Then one shall be a Christ-lover, not just a Christian for name. 

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