Thoughts on Christ

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Moses' 5 Excuses - Identity


In the next 5 weeks, we’ll discuss the 5 excuses that Moses gave throughout his life.  These include identity, ignorance, unbelief, inadequacy, and unavailability.  

In this first post, we’ll discuss Identity.

Moses’ Excuse: Exodus 3:11 – But Moses said to God, “Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh, and that I should bring the children of Israel out of Egypt?”

  • Moses spent 40 years as a prince of Egypt.  Once he fled, he spent another 40 years in the wilderness as a shepherd.  During this time, Moses underwent an identity crisis.  He didn’t know who he was.  When he was in Egypt, he thought he could be the one to save the Israelites when he killed the Egyptian.  But, when he was asked by God to do just that he doubted his capability. 

God’s Solution: (vs. 12) So He said, “I will certainly be with you.  And this shall be a sign to you that I have sent you: When you have brought the people out of Egypt, you shall serve God on this mountain.”

  • God’s solution is that it didn’t matter that Moses was having an identity crisis.  God will be with him and that is enough.

Application: God can use anyone as a vessel for His purposes.

  • God used an ordinary mountain bush to show Moses His message.  The bush wasn’t special on its own, but became an instrument for God’s glory.  Just because we don’t have confidence in ourselves, doesn’t mean that God cannot use us.  He used lowly fisherman to be His disciples, and a shepherd to become a king of Israel.  In the same way, God can use us to fulfill HIs purposes. 

Let us examine ourselves!

  • Are we giving God excuses when He wants to use us for His plans and purposes?

  • Do we have doubts of our own self-worth, or are we really doubting God?

  • Are our excuses just a way to say that we are not available to answer His call?