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Sermon Summary - New Jerusalem

I recently heard a sermon by an Indian missionary Evg. John P. Thomas.  It was part of a 10-day long Bible Study on Death and the Afterlife.  The sermon itself isn’t in English but is linked below in case you want to hear it.  


This is part 3 of the notes from the last day of the Bible Study where the New Heaven, New Earth, and the New Jerusalem were discussed.  

God will create a new heaven, new earth, and a new Jerusalem.  This is seen not only in Revelation but in the Old Testament.  

Revelation 21:1,2 - Now I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away. Also there was no more sea. Then I, John, saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.

Isaiah 65:17 - “For behold, I create new heavens and a new earth; And the former shall not be remembered or come to mind.

Isaiah 66:22 - “For as the new heavens and the new earth which I will make shall remain before Me,” says the Lord, “So shall your descendants and your name remain.


In this post, I will be summarizing the information about New Jerusalem.


The New Jerusalem will be the capital of the New Earth.  Revelation 21 goes into great detail about what the new Jerusalem will look like.  In vs. 2, it shows that the city is prepared by God and is being adorned as a bride for her husband.  The New Jerusalem is a heavenly city made with heavenly materials (vs. 10-27).  The details of the city are listed below.

#1) (vs. 10) New Jerusalem is a great and holy city

Cities are usually the breeding ground for sin.  There is only one city that is called holy.  It is the New Jerusalem that will come straight down from heaven.  It will be the capital of the New Earth and the eternal home of the redeemed.

Hebrews 11:10 shows us that the builder and maker of the city is God.

for he waited for the city which has foundations, whose builder and maker is God.

The Lord Jesus Christ prepared the city.  He is also the builder and architect of the city.  

#2) (vs. 11) The glory of God lights the New Jerusalem, which looks like a jasper stone and is clear as crystal

This shows how heavenly materials are different from earthly materials.  This heavenly jasper is clear, which is not common here on earth.

#3) (vs. 14) New Jerusalem’s wall has 12 foundations which are named for the 12 apostles

(vs. 17) The wall was measured to be 144 cubits, which is the equivalent of 216 feet.

(vs. 18) The wall itself was made of jasper

(vs. 19-20) Here we see the 12 different precious stones used for the foundations of the wall.  The foundations are brilliant and very colorful.

See this content in the original post

(vs. 21) The 12 gates were 12 pearls

#4) (vs. 16) The city itself was built as a square, where the length, breadth, and height were all equal 

It was measured to be 12,000 furlongs, which is equivalent to 1500 miles.

(vs. 18) The city was pure gold but like clear glass.  This again shows the difference between heavenly and earthly materials.  On earth, we use carats to distinguish the purity of gold.  But the gold in heaven is so pure that it’s transparent. 

(vs.21) The city streets were pure gold, like transparent glass.

#5) (vs. 22-27) This shows the incorruptible nature of this New Jerusalem.  

There was no need for temples because you can worship God the Father and Christ directly 

There was no need for a sun or moon to light the way because the glory of God provided all the light required

There is no night there because they are basking in the glory of God

Only those who are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life can enter into the city.  Nothing can enter that will defile, cause an abomination, or lie.

This shows the purity of the city as well as its holiness